I AMAM SOTERIA hashas beenbeen usingusing artart ofof all formsforms toto bring communitiescommunities together,together, sheshe hashas usedused itit toto combatcombat hate,hate, biasbias andand injusticeinjustice ofof allall kinds.kinds.
Her collaborations are made to create awareness of what it means to be courageous in this time. Her art seeks to fully bring people closer to their destinies! She has spoken at the Women’s March in Raleigh, NC in 2019 & 2020. Soteria has also traveled abroad using her poetry and songs as a way to connect with others across the globe. Another one of her passions is working with the reentry community, those who are marginalized, and those whose voices have yet to be heard. One way she does this is beside other advocates and artists for justice, as well as local and national organizations. I AM SOTERIA’s work brings awareness to the systemic injustices that arise within our community and our country.
In 2019 she started what she likes to call “I AM SOTERIA & FRIENDS.” This movement was created to bring injustice and racism to light, and create transformation in the midst of all the turmoil that is happening and that has happened. Her goal is to invite local artists to her platforms to share their artistic gifts with communities to be the light. Since the very first event on February 3, 2019 she has hosted 6 events and 5 renditions. • I AM SOTERIA & FRIENDS: Love’s Best Language: Music in Saxapahaw by the River • I AM SOTERIA & FRIENDS: Juneteenth Redefining Freedom at the Culture Mill • I AM SOTERIA & FRIENDS: Coffee Shop Hip-Hop at Johnny’s Gone Fishing • I AM SOTERIA & FRIENDS: Black Friday at the Haw River Ballroom
Why NOT poetry. Writing has been a therapeutic tool for me and so many others. You can be lost and found in the lines of what you write, read and hear. Poetry has given me an OPPORTUNITY to impact others in a way I never thought imaginable. This little girl in her room writing in silence, in frustration, in hope, in truth and more IMPORTANTLY in love has been given doors I never thought I deserved to walk through. Yet the Favor of God continues to outshine anything I could have ever asked.
Music & Poetry
I love the sound of music and poetry. Ever since I’ve done poetry, I’ve loved the sounds together. It gives me another gift to share. Together they simply make an impact in ways I have never heard. Music provides a safe place, music is the foundation and the poetry is what preserves it, at least that’s how I see it. God has extended my gift beyond my reach. I remember the revelatory impartation of your gift will make room, more and more I am beginning to see how mine really has made room.